
Moomintroll Bear Ear Beanie Kids Pink - Nordicbuddies

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— In English —

This adorable light pink kids beanie from Nordicbuddies wraps children in warmth and comfort. The beanie has adorable bear ears and features a small Moomintroll fabric badge on the front. The beanie is crafted with 100% acrylic that keeps you snug and feels like a gentle caress against your skin. Go-to beanie for small Moomin fans for both autumn and winter!  Dimensions: 25 x 20 cm. Handwash only.

— Suomeksi —

Tämä Nordicbuddiesin suloinen vaaleanpunainen lasten pipo lämmittää mukavasti lapsen korvia kylmässä säässä. Pipossa on suloiset karhunkorvat ja pieni Muumipeikko-kangasmerkki edessä. Pipo on valmistettu 100-prosenttisesta akryylistä, joka tuntuu hellältä ja pehmeältä ihoa vasten. Pienten muumifanien go-to pipo niin syksyyn kuin talveen! Koko: 25 x 20 cm. Vain käsinpesu.

— På svenska —

Denna söt ljusrosa barnmössa från Nordicbuddies kommer att hålla ditt barns öron varma i kallt väder. Mössan har söta björnöron och ett litet Mumintrollet-tryck på framsidan. Mössan är tillverkad av 100% akryl, som känns mjukt och skönt mot huden. Den perfekta mössan för små Mumin-fans under både höst och vinter! Storlek: 25 x 20 cm. Endast handtvätt.

Return policy

We hope that you are delighted with the Moomin products that you have ordered. If, however, any items supplied by us did not suit your needs and were not custom-made or food items, you may return them. You must advise us in writing within fourteen days of delivery and then return the goods in perfect condition. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the goods are returned to us in perfect condition and to pay for the return delivery costs. Please contact our customer support, and they will help you. We want happy customers and will always try to help you!


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