
Moomin Wooden Puzzles in Box 4-set - Barbo Toys

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— In English —

Puzzles are a wonderful way for children to develop their problem-solving and fine motor skills, as well as their spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination. The fact that the puzzles are made from robust wooden pieces means that they are likely to last a long time, and can be enjoyed by many children. Additionally, the Moomin-themed illustrations are sure to capture the imagination of young players, making the puzzle-solving process even more enjoyable. 

— Suomeksi —

Palapelit ovat erinomainen tapa kehittää lasten ongelmanratkaisu- ja hienomotorisia taitoja sekä avaruudellista tietoisuutta ja silmä-käsi-koordinaatiota. Koska palapelit on valmistettu kestävistä puupaloista, ne kestävät todennäköisesti pitkään, ja niistä voivat nauttia monet lapset. Lisäksi muumi-aiheiset kuvitukset herättävät varmasti pienten pelaajien mielikuvituksen, mikä tekee palapelin ratkaisemisesta entistäkin nautinnollisempaa.

— På svenska —

Pussel är ett fantastiskt sätt för barn att utveckla sin problemlösning och finmotorik, liksom sin rumsliga medvetenhet och hand-ögonkoordination. Det faktum att pusslen är tillverkade av robusta träbitar innebär att de troligen kommer att hålla länge och att många barn kan ha glädje av dem. Dessutom kommer illustrationerna med Mumin-tema säkert att fånga de unga spelarnas fantasi, vilket gör pussellösningen ännu roligare.

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We hope that you are delighted with the Moomin products that you have ordered. If, however, any items supplied by us did not suit your needs and were not custom-made or food items, you may return them. You must advise us in writing within fourteen days of delivery and then return the goods in perfect condition. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the goods are returned to us in perfect condition and to pay for the return delivery costs. Please contact our customer support, and they will help you. We want happy customers and will always try to help you!
